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Thursday, October 4, 2007

AMA Contact information for Alburr & family



Global Martial Arts

Global Martial Arts

Universal Guide For Every Martial Artist Everywhere Around The Globe

Cyber OCD Centre

Cyber OCD Centre

Online Centre Offering Free Advice And Guidance On Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

Ahmad Mokhzani Abdullah Online

Ahmad Mokhzani Abdullah Online

Universal Cyberworld Of Ahmad Mokhzani Abdullah Presented To The Globe

Cyber Ahmad Mokhzani Abdullah Space

Cyber Ahmad Mokhzani Abdullah Space

Servant of The Creator first of all, striving to establish His Right to be worshipped correctly, working to serve His Creation with dignity, and transforming the Globe to be a better Planet. Chief Visionary Architect of The IVI Group, The AMA Group and The UNU Group. Fluent speaker of Arabic, Malay and English. Known as 'Abu Hurairah Al-Malizi', 'Ahmad Mokhzani Abdullah' and 'Daniel Levy Nor' to Arabic, Malay and English-speaking friends respectively worldwide. Future husband of the 72 Virgins of Paradise by the mercy of God. Universal International futurist and sunnatic Ummatic Islamist. Pro-active businessman-revivalist, striving to be on the original creed, methodology, ethics and spirituality of the Last Messenger sent to Humanity. Aspiring to be a universal scientist-jurist-traditionalist, like Ibn Taimiyyah and Ibn Hazm, and a unilateral multicapitalist-globalist-philanthropist, like Warren Buffett and William Gates. Ultimate aspirations are to reside permanently in the highest station of Paradise, win the Love and Pleasure of The Creator and witness His Essence in the Next World.